My name is Kathy Lynn Emerson. A Who's Who of Tudor Women began as a project to update and correct my very out-of-date collective biography, Wives and Daughters: The Women of Sixteenth-Century England, published by a small scholarly press in 1984. Various editions have been online from 2010 until October 2020. It is now available as an ebook.


ISBN 9781393383505

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A Who's Who of Tudor Women contains over 2300 mini-biographies of women who lived at least part of their lives between 1485 and 1603. Entries are arranged alphabetically by the maiden name of the subject or by married surname if her birth name is unknown. Each entry is cross-referenced by married surnames. Also included are a list of "Titles Used in Tudor Times" and "Lists of Women at the Tudor Court."

This volume is not meant to be scholarly or all-inclusive. It was written to help identify women who lived during the Tudor era (1485-1603). The information in the entries has been accumulated primarily from a footnote here and a paragraph there in histories and in biographies dealing with better known people and events. No complete bibliography is possible, nor was it possible to give a specific source for every single detail in every single entry. Some details have multiple sources. Some come from undocumented sources. Some I found forty years ago and neglected to make a note of my source at that time. I also include information from sources that do not always say where their facts originated. Then again, some so-called scholarly tomes also fail to attribute information and, with appalling frequency, make careless mistakes when referring to minor historical figures.

An early online version of the book included every photograph I could find of portraits and effigies. I discontinued this feature, in part because so many identifications of sitters in portraits have changed over the years and in part because not all images are in the public domain. The entries state if likenesses exist.

Below are links to a few extras:

Additions and Corrections to the e-book

Master List of Entries in A Who's Who of Tudor Women

Real Tudor Women in Fiction

PLEASE NOTE: I am not a genealogist. I will not do your research for you. All the information I currently possess about most of the women who have entries in the Who's Who is already contained in those entries. If you have something to add, or a correction to make (with citations, please!) I am happy to hear from you.

If you would like to contact me to ask a question, suggest corrections to an entry, or comment on A Who's Who of Tudor Women, you can reach me by email at KathyLynnEmerson@roadrunner.com

Keep in mind that there are occasional glitches in cyberspace. If you do not receive an answer within a day or two, please try again.

If you wish to contact me the old fashioned way, my mailing address is:

Kathy Lynn Emerson
P. O. Box 156
Wilton, ME 04294